Tomyris was a queen of the Massagetae (c. 530 BC). After she found out about the death of her son, Spargapises, at the hands of Cyrus the Great she led the Massagetean army into war, and, during the battle defeated the Persians and destroyed most of their army.
Queen Adad-Guppi was the daughter of King Ashurbanipal II and Ashursharrat l… and mother to King Nabonidus. It’s been suggested that she acted as a regent for Nabonidus when he abandoned Babylon in 552 BC for Tema. The Tema Stele (c. 6 century BC), represent an important part of the history of Tema and of the history of the Arabian Peninsula.
Vashti was a queen of Persia, and the wife of King Xerxes (r. 486-465 BC). In the third year of King Xerxes' reign, he held a 6-month celebration which ended with a 7-day feast at his palace in Susa. Queen Vashti was either executed or banished for her refusal to appear at the king's banquet.
Queen Jezebel married King Ahab (r. 874-853 BC), of Samaria, the northern kingdom of Israel. Her daughter, Athaliah, was queen of Judah (r. 841–835 BC) and the only female monarch to sit on David’s throne in biblical history.