Queen Athaliah was the wife of King Jehoram (r. 931-913 BC), the mother of King Ahaziah (r. 913-910 BC) of the Kingdom of Judah. She was the only female monarch to sit on King David’s throne in history.
Queen Azubah was the wife of King Asa (r. 931-913 BC), the mother of King Jehoshaphat (r. 913-910 BC) of the Kingdom of Judah. Through an alliance between her son, Jehoshaphat, with the Kingdom of Israel, one of the terms was that her grandson, King Jehoram, married Athaliah, the daughter of King Ahab & Queen Jezebel.
Queen Maacah was the wife and cousin of King Rehoboam (r. 931-913 BC), the mother of King Abijam (r. 913-910 BC). Her husband, Rehoboam, whose mother was Queen Namaah, was the first king of the Kingdom of Judah. His father, King Solomon, son of King David (r. 1011-971 BC) and Bathsheba, reigned as the last king of the United Kingdom of Israel.
Tomyris was a queen of the Massagetae (c. 530 BC). After she found out about the death of her son, Spargapises, at the hands of Cyrus the Great she led the Massagetean army into war, and, during the battle defeated the Persians and destroyed most of their army.