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Kandake Amanitore: Daughter of Amanishakheto, Granddaughter of Amanirenas

Queen Amanitore is the daughter of Kandake Amanishakheto and granddaughter of Kandake Amanirenas. The quantity of buildings that were completed during the middle part of the first century indicates that she led a prosperous time in Meroitic history. More than two hundred pyramids were built, most plundered in ancient times. Reservoirs for the retention of water were also constructed at Meroë during her reign.

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Empress Taytu Beytul: 1896 Battle of Adwa

Taytu Beytul claimed descent from the Solomonic dynasty, the daughter of Ras Betul Haile Maryam and Yewubdar. The 1889 Treaty of Wichale Treaty was in fact a deliberate attempt by the Italian government to have Ethiopia become an Italian protectorate. The resulting 1896 Battle of Adwa, the climactic battle of the First Italo-Ethiopian War, was the most significant victory of any African army at the height of European colonialism. Empress Taytu Beytul founded Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa.

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